I think It Just Might Be Spring

. Thursday, April 10, 2014 .
 We call this our snowflake tree.  We know once this blooms there should be no more snow coming.  So far in 8 years it has held true.  It is actually called a Star Magnolia.
 Lenten Rose
This is just about all that is left of our beautiful forsythia bush after Mark "trimmed" it last year and then ran over it with the truck one icy morning this winter.

 We call this our snowflake tree.  We know once this blooms there should be no more snow coming.  So far in 8 years it has held true.  It is actually called a Star Magnolia.
 Lenten Rose
This is just about all that is left of our beautiful forsythia bush after Mark "trimmed" it last year and then ran over it with the truck one icy morning this winter.

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