Flowers In August Surviving

. Tuesday, August 27, 2013 .
The bottle tree is being covered with morning glories.

I finally saw a bloom on the trumpet vine.  We have wondered why it has never bloomed in all the years that we have had it.  Mark keeps saying it is because it doesn't get enough sun.  Nope I figured it out...the deer love them!  Look at all the naked stems where they ate the other blooms. Stupid  deer!

I was surprised to see the beauty berry bush so early.  Guess the deer don't care for beauty berries.

This is actually a house plant.  But it needs sun so I let it take a little breather outside once in awhile.  I think it is called a bromeliad.  And the basket was made from grapevine.  The Ellison's found it in Asheville, NC.

The bottle tree is being covered with morning glories.

I finally saw a bloom on the trumpet vine.  We have wondered why it has never bloomed in all the years that we have had it.  Mark keeps saying it is because it doesn't get enough sun.  Nope I figured it out...the deer love them!  Look at all the naked stems where they ate the other blooms. Stupid  deer!

I was surprised to see the beauty berry bush so early.  Guess the deer don't care for beauty berries.

This is actually a house plant.  But it needs sun so I let it take a little breather outside once in awhile.  I think it is called a bromeliad.  And the basket was made from grapevine.  The Ellison's found it in Asheville, NC.

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