Let The Yard Work Begin

. Thursday, February 12, 2015 .
It was a warmer day yesterday and we had a few hours on our hands so we decided to put the time to good use.  Because Lord knows we have hundreds of hours of work to do to get the yard back into shape!
I don't think we will ever NOT have oak leaves in the yard.  No matter how hard you rake, blow, burn or mulch, there will always be oak leaves.

I enlisted the help of the girls.  But first they got a little extra treat to keep them warm on the cold winter days to come.

They crack me up.  I am working in the side bed and I look up and they are walking through the yard in single file.

Dory wasn't too keen on this yard work stuff.  All she wanted to do was scratch.
It was a warmer day yesterday and we had a few hours on our hands so we decided to put the time to good use.  Because Lord knows we have hundreds of hours of work to do to get the yard back into shape!
I don't think we will ever NOT have oak leaves in the yard.  No matter how hard you rake, blow, burn or mulch, there will always be oak leaves.

I enlisted the help of the girls.  But first they got a little extra treat to keep them warm on the cold winter days to come.

They crack me up.  I am working in the side bed and I look up and they are walking through the yard in single file.

Dory wasn't too keen on this yard work stuff.  All she wanted to do was scratch.

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