I Think Spring Is Really Here!

. Wednesday, April 10, 2013 .
I just could not help myself.  I had to have this sign.  and the funny part is that the doorbell hasn't worked since we moved here 7 years ago!  I'm going to get a lot of weeks pulled because I plan to put a sign on the front door that says go around back.
busting out all over

We thing this tree is some type of magnolia.  We call it our snowflake tree.  There too many blooms on this tree.  They sure looks pretty for about the three days that the looms last.
daffodils of every kind popping up all over

We didn't know if the forsythia was going to make it thru the winter due to the freezing cold and the umpteen times someone backed up into it.  Hope I didn't just jinx us weather wise.
I h

I just could not help myself.  I had to have this sign.  and the funny part is that the doorbell hasn't worked since we moved here 7 years ago!  I'm going to get a lot of weeks pulled because I plan to put a sign on the front door that says go around back.
busting out all over

We thing this tree is some type of magnolia.  We call it our snowflake tree.  There too many blooms on this tree.  They sure looks pretty for about the three days that the looms last.
daffodils of every kind popping up all over

We didn't know if the forsythia was going to make it thru the winter due to the freezing cold and the umpteen times someone backed up into it.  Hope I didn't just jinx us weather wise.
I h

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