
. Monday, September 5, 2011 .

I was so shocked when I saw these flowers this morning.  I am trying so hard to keep some flowers looking good until the 13 of the month.  Someone posted on FreeCycle that they needs some fresh flowers for table arrangements for a MOPS group.  I am trying really had but I am afraid that we might be using lots of hosta  and ornamental grass as fillers for the arrangements.  So I was more than excited when I found these.

I was so shocked when I saw these flowers this morning.  I am trying so hard to keep some flowers looking good until the 13 of the month.  Someone posted on FreeCycle that they needs some fresh flowers for table arrangements for a MOPS group.  I am trying really had but I am afraid that we might be using lots of hosta  and ornamental grass as fillers for the arrangements.  So I was more than excited when I found these.


  1. They are lovely. I'm sure the rain we got helped these along.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  2. Do you think they will last until the 13th.? Better go to plan know now days, you can buy some beautiful cut flowers from under $10 at large grocery chain stores but maybe you'll have other flowers blooming at that time or another friend will. I'm curious..what does MOPS..Mother's of Pre-schoolers?

  3. I forgot to tell you how beautiful your flowers were and I love that orange one..looks so delicate and the shade of orange is divine.


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