Working Our Way To Green Grass

. Sunday, February 20, 2011 .
Last fall we raked and raked...raked until we had blisters on our hands and leaf dust up our noses...then we just gave up. The big oak in the back yard just would not drop it's leaves. We would rake and five minutes later it would looks like we had never touched a rake. So yesterday with the temps almost in the 60's, we thought we had better tackle the back yard.
One of or several of our children, who shall remain nameless say that we have too much JUNK in the yard.  First of all, it is our yard. is not junk...we consider them all to be treasures.  So this year I will be tweaking the 'treasures' in the yard.  You know we are getting ready for a very important shindig in June.  And we want it to look especially nice.  The weather was beautiful yesterday.  We worked in the yard all day raking, trashing and dreaming of new things to do.  We had a huge campfire for all the yard waste that isn't good for the compost pile.

I wanted to take a shot of the hosta bed around the oak tree so we could remember how it looked with all the leaves.  It is beautiful when all the hosta come up.  And then all the lavender and white blooms come out...awesome!
Anyone need some leaves for their compost pile?  We have plenty and the chipper is on the brink.  So we are piling them in the compost bin and stomping them.  Putting them in the woods and piling them behind Bill and Kay's shed.

We found all kinds of flowers coming up.  Lots of broken clay pots that I forgot to bring in.  Things that had gotten broken during the winter.  Oh, it felt so good.  But boy was I so tired and sore.  It felt so good!
Last fall we raked and raked...raked until we had blisters on our hands and leaf dust up our noses...then we just gave up. The big oak in the back yard just would not drop it's leaves. We would rake and five minutes later it would looks like we had never touched a rake. So yesterday with the temps almost in the 60's, we thought we had better tackle the back yard.
One of or several of our children, who shall remain nameless say that we have too much JUNK in the yard.  First of all, it is our yard. is not junk...we consider them all to be treasures.  So this year I will be tweaking the 'treasures' in the yard.  You know we are getting ready for a very important shindig in June.  And we want it to look especially nice.  The weather was beautiful yesterday.  We worked in the yard all day raking, trashing and dreaming of new things to do.  We had a huge campfire for all the yard waste that isn't good for the compost pile.

I wanted to take a shot of the hosta bed around the oak tree so we could remember how it looked with all the leaves.  It is beautiful when all the hosta come up.  And then all the lavender and white blooms come out...awesome!
Anyone need some leaves for their compost pile?  We have plenty and the chipper is on the brink.  So we are piling them in the compost bin and stomping them.  Putting them in the woods and piling them behind Bill and Kay's shed.

We found all kinds of flowers coming up.  Lots of broken clay pots that I forgot to bring in.  Things that had gotten broken during the winter.  Oh, it felt so good.  But boy was I so tired and sore.  It felt so good!

1 comment

  1. The warm spell was so good while it lasted. I have a constant battle with those old oak leaves. Every time the wind changes they come into the yard an end up in my pond or flower beds. I wanted so bad to get after them over this warm break but knew better than to until spring.It is amazing how much litter and stuff accumulate over the winter. I am glad you were able to get yours cleaned up. It does feel good to be out in the garden again even if it is for just a short spell.


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