Flower Army

. Thursday, October 14, 2010 .
There will always be some cosmos and zinnias in our yard. I am hoping that the little girls and I have harvested enough seeds this fall to have a riot of color in the beds next spring and summer.I love these little green bugs. I have no idea what they are or even if the are good for the flowers/garden but the sure make a great contrast in pictures.
This little black eyes Susan has volunteered to come up between the rocks on the edge of the flower bed by the patio door. I just love a good volunteer!

You can't really see it but there is a very fine spider web on the center of the cosmos on the left. Caught in it are millions of pollen particles.

There will always be some cosmos and zinnias in our yard. I am hoping that the little girls and I have harvested enough seeds this fall to have a riot of color in the beds next spring and summer.I love these little green bugs. I have no idea what they are or even if the are good for the flowers/garden but the sure make a great contrast in pictures.
This little black eyes Susan has volunteered to come up between the rocks on the edge of the flower bed by the patio door. I just love a good volunteer!

You can't really see it but there is a very fine spider web on the center of the cosmos on the left. Caught in it are millions of pollen particles.

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