Trying to Survive

. Tuesday, September 14, 2010 .

The sedum finally decided to shine. And the bees are loving it!
I have no idea what this is. After the first bloom I cut it way back and I am shocked that it has come back. Anyone know what the name of this beauty is?
I love how the colors of the bugs stand out on the purple pod. And did you see the one that is trying to get away in the bottom right corner?
The Inpatients are hanging on...just by a wing and a prayer. I can't seem to give them enough water.

FYI....I am harvesting seeds...if you would like some send me an email.
9black-eyed Susan's, Cone flowers, marigolds, Daisy's, zinnias, hyacinth bean, morning glories)

The sedum finally decided to shine. And the bees are loving it!
I have no idea what this is. After the first bloom I cut it way back and I am shocked that it has come back. Anyone know what the name of this beauty is?
I love how the colors of the bugs stand out on the purple pod. And did you see the one that is trying to get away in the bottom right corner?
The Inpatients are hanging on...just by a wing and a prayer. I can't seem to give them enough water.

FYI....I am harvesting seeds...if you would like some send me an email.
9black-eyed Susan's, Cone flowers, marigolds, Daisy's, zinnias, hyacinth bean, morning glories)

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