Doodle Rose

. Tuesday, September 28, 2010 .
I really have no idea what the official name from this rose it. All I know is that Doodle's bring me at least one a week. So that is the new names that we have adopeted around here. I an going to try to root one of these somewhere in the backyard next spring.
I really have no idea what the official name from this rose it. All I know is that Doodle's bring me at least one a week. So that is the new names that we have adopeted around here. I an going to try to root one of these somewhere in the backyard next spring.

1 comment

  1. Your rose is so beautiful. I am going to miss my roses very soon. I have tried and tried to root roses and have no luck at all even with rooting hormones. I must be doing something terribly wrong. ;-) Good luck with your roses.


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