Pick A Winner

. Wednesday, August 11, 2010 .
The hot and humid weather has taken a toll n all of our beds...vegetable and flower. Yesterday I noticed that I have one bloom on Cassie's anemone plant. She carried anemones in her bridal bouquet. The poor plant, the leaves look like they haven't been watered for weeks...actually Mark forgot that he had the sprinkler on last night until this morning at 6AM when he was greeted by a huge puddle by the driveway.This was the first shot I took. I set the camera on ISO400. Pretty good shot I think.

Then I tried ISO1600. I'd love for someone that knows cameras to answer a few questions...

Do I set my camera on the macro thingy and the change the ISO to 1200 and above to get crisp close up shots or do I just use the little macro thingy and shoot? I have a Nikon D5000 if that clarifies anything. Help me please!

The hot and humid weather has taken a toll n all of our beds...vegetable and flower. Yesterday I noticed that I have one bloom on Cassie's anemone plant. She carried anemones in her bridal bouquet. The poor plant, the leaves look like they haven't been watered for weeks...actually Mark forgot that he had the sprinkler on last night until this morning at 6AM when he was greeted by a huge puddle by the driveway.This was the first shot I took. I set the camera on ISO400. Pretty good shot I think.

Then I tried ISO1600. I'd love for someone that knows cameras to answer a few questions...

Do I set my camera on the macro thingy and the change the ISO to 1200 and above to get crisp close up shots or do I just use the little macro thingy and shoot? I have a Nikon D5000 if that clarifies anything. Help me please!

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