Believe It or Not

. Thursday, August 26, 2010 .
We still have things looking good and some blooms that must have forgotten how late in the season it is. But I am glad that they are a little mixed up.
Our mums are really starting to bloom....way too early I think. Kroger doesn't even have any out yet.

I have to use my telephoto lens while the regular lend is off to Nikon for a little nip and tuck. I think I actually like the shots better with it.

I don't remember planting any morning glories this year. But I will be glad to photograph and that come up.

I call this my 'old lady in the red barn in WI fern' because we got some from really nice little old lady that was having a yard sale. We got to talking about flowers and stuff and she ended up digging up some flowers out of her yard for me. These things grow crazy once they get establishes...probably two years and I will be pulling my hair out trying to tame these things.

Such a happy little flower.

Poor little dinner bell clematis. She has waited all summer to do this and now the bugs are having her for breakfast lunch and dinner.

I might be able to share some of these bean seeds with you...that is if the deer don't eat them all first. I watch the pods and when I think they are almost big enough to pick, the next morning they are gone, so I guess they are a midnight snack for someone.

Cosmos have never really been a flower I would plant but our plants this year are so bright and vivid. I think I like them now.

Our neighbor Ralph can grow anything! Literally! This is just one of many pumpkins he is growing this year. Two and three hundred pounders. I am thrilled that some have decided to take up residence in our yard and compost bin. He says I can keep whatever comes over the property line. Better get the dolly ready, this one is already as big as bushel basket at it is only August. Can you imagine by October how big it will be.

I wish I knew what the name of this plant is. Mark is sleeping or I would ask him, he would definitely know. He is just like that. He should be a Master Gardner.

Not every thing looks great. The black-eyed Susan's have seen better days. Doodles and I have been harvesting seeds for my sister and Cassie. When they come for the wedding I am going to give them both a big bag of seeds to take home. They both have perfect sunny fence areas to plant them in.
We still have things looking good and some blooms that must have forgotten how late in the season it is. But I am glad that they are a little mixed up.
Our mums are really starting to bloom....way too early I think. Kroger doesn't even have any out yet.

I have to use my telephoto lens while the regular lend is off to Nikon for a little nip and tuck. I think I actually like the shots better with it.

I don't remember planting any morning glories this year. But I will be glad to photograph and that come up.

I call this my 'old lady in the red barn in WI fern' because we got some from really nice little old lady that was having a yard sale. We got to talking about flowers and stuff and she ended up digging up some flowers out of her yard for me. These things grow crazy once they get establishes...probably two years and I will be pulling my hair out trying to tame these things.

Such a happy little flower.

Poor little dinner bell clematis. She has waited all summer to do this and now the bugs are having her for breakfast lunch and dinner.

I might be able to share some of these bean seeds with you...that is if the deer don't eat them all first. I watch the pods and when I think they are almost big enough to pick, the next morning they are gone, so I guess they are a midnight snack for someone.

Cosmos have never really been a flower I would plant but our plants this year are so bright and vivid. I think I like them now.

Our neighbor Ralph can grow anything! Literally! This is just one of many pumpkins he is growing this year. Two and three hundred pounders. I am thrilled that some have decided to take up residence in our yard and compost bin. He says I can keep whatever comes over the property line. Better get the dolly ready, this one is already as big as bushel basket at it is only August. Can you imagine by October how big it will be.

I wish I knew what the name of this plant is. Mark is sleeping or I would ask him, he would definitely know. He is just like that. He should be a Master Gardner.

Not every thing looks great. The black-eyed Susan's have seen better days. Doodles and I have been harvesting seeds for my sister and Cassie. When they come for the wedding I am going to give them both a big bag of seeds to take home. They both have perfect sunny fence areas to plant them in.

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