
. Wednesday, July 28, 2010 .
The deer do not like the red roses but they LOVE the white ones. We only have one white rose and every time the bud is about to open up...the stinkin' deer have it for breakfast or late night snack. Not this time. I saw it first and brought it inside. I was cleaning out the 'bus stop flower bed' and trimmed the red knockouts and saved a few buds. So now we have a rose garden in the house. Ha, ha Bambi!
The deer do not like the red roses but they LOVE the white ones. We only have one white rose and every time the bud is about to open up...the stinkin' deer have it for breakfast or late night snack. Not this time. I saw it first and brought it inside. I was cleaning out the 'bus stop flower bed' and trimmed the red knockouts and saved a few buds. So now we have a rose garden in the house. Ha, ha Bambi!

1 comment

  1. Those deer can be such nuisances. They are so bad here in the hills and they love my lilies.By fall they will be eating anything with a leaf or bloom like they did last year regardless of them suppose to be deer free plants.
    Enjoy your beautiful red and white rose bouquet.


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