A Rainbow of Glads

. Friday, July 16, 2010 .
A I am totally amazed everyday when I go out to the Glad Bed. There are so many different colors of gladiolas...I don't think there are two of one kind.

We have never tried to grow gladiolas so I have no idea how to care for them. After I cut them for an arrangement...do I cut the stalk back to about an inch about the ground and wait until fall to dig them up or do I just leave them alone? Will we get a second bloom? I know there has to be someone out there that knows something....HELP PLEASE.
A I am totally amazed everyday when I go out to the Glad Bed. There are so many different colors of gladiolas...I don't think there are two of one kind.

We have never tried to grow gladiolas so I have no idea how to care for them. After I cut them for an arrangement...do I cut the stalk back to about an inch about the ground and wait until fall to dig them up or do I just leave them alone? Will we get a second bloom? I know there has to be someone out there that knows something....HELP PLEASE.

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