
. Thursday, July 1, 2010 .
The coneflowers are blooming like crazy. We have dark pink ones, whites, all shades of pur and about that many Japeneese beetles to cover them all. I swipe every flower I go by. The big bumble bees really seem to like these. I wonder who would win the war...big bumblebees or pesky Japanese beetles?
The coneflowers are blooming like crazy. We have dark pink ones, whites, all shades of pur and about that many Japeneese beetles to cover them all. I swipe every flower I go by. The big bumble bees really seem to like these. I wonder who would win the war...big bumblebees or pesky Japanese beetles?

1 comment

  1. Hello Jan. So glad your found my blog and dropped by. You are busy if you are keeping 6 blogs LOL! I have a hard time keeping up with two.
    I went through some of your postings and I was ewwing and ahhing as I went down the line. Love the lilies they are so gorgeous and I am a big Achillea and Echinacea fan. To tell the truth there are not too many flowers that I do not like. LOL!
    Your animal pictures on the other blog were so fantastic. Just loved them!
    You all have a great 4th of July weekend and drop by again.


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