. Sunday, June 23, 2013 .

Just volunteered to show up today. I never planted it. But the strange this is...it came up in Sarah Beth's garden...hmmm and Easter lily. How appropriate! Sarah Beth was the first one of us to experience Easter in heaven.

Hey, Look At Me

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Next order of business...trellis for the cukes to climb.

Yes, We Have Veggies

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Mark has been wanting to build compost bins for I can't tell you how long.  So today we started...with no real plan to go by...just what he has researched and in his mind.

And so it begins...out back between the old compost bin and the soon to be coop and run.

Phase 1..digging 24 inch holes and sinking 4x4's in concrete.

Phase 2...the bins

Phase 3...stapling hardware cloth
Phase 4...fill with good stuff to make some awesome compost.
And I know one thing...if ever we have high winds I know just where I am going to hang out...there are several hundred pounds of cement here and NOTHING is going to blow this thing away!

Finally Compost BinsThat Will Work

. Saturday, June 22, 2013 .
Mark has been busy!  Two new raised vegetable beds.

several types of tomatoes, garlic, green peppers and some other peppers and four small rows of green beans

yellow squash, zucchini, and two types of bush beans

New Vegetable Beds

. Monday, June 17, 2013 .
In Sarah Beth's garden

best blooms from this one yet

 hummingbirds are going t be happy

Sweet Smells